Children’s Church

Children’s Church: Through a collaborative effort among the children’s church instructors and the Superintendent of the B.U.D.S, we will create and maintain a pleasant, learning environment for children ages 3-12 to build Christian principles and set the foundation for a lifelong relationship with the Christ and the church.

Devoted Dancers For Christ

The Devoted Dancers For Christ uses dance to glorify God by communicating the divine message of the good news of Jesus Christ. Dancers of all ages use their gifts of dance to share the gospel or the good news of Jesus Christ to the lost and to encourage, comfort, and edify the saints in the faith.

Media Ministry

The media ministry team uses a combination of sound, video, and computer technologies to present a message of Christ. We are the silent group that uses our talent in audio, graphic, video and lighting. We provide live text, graphics, and video for worship services. We record and archive videos of each and every service. We push ourselves to stay on the cutting edge of technology and expand according to the church’s needs. During church service, the media ministry is a support service for the pastor, music ministry and the church members. The Media Team is composed of two primary areas: sound and visuals. The sound and visuals personnel provide audiovisual technical support for worship services.

Jewels of Zion

The Jewels of Zion is composed of the seniors of St. Stephen. The three subdivisions are: Spiritual Team, Recreation Team, and Fundraising. They meet virtually weekly for Book Club every Wednesday at 1:30PM.

Buds of Promise

The Buds of Promise are the Juvenile Society of the WHOM Society.  The mission of the WHOM Society is to establish Christian learning environments and experiences for all children (age 1 through 12) through mission education.  These experiences will enable each child to acquire the knowledge, beliefs and attitudes that are essential to his/her spiritual development as an individual and are necessary for the attainment of a meaningful life.

Youth Missionary Society

The Y’s Society was organized to give the opportunity and privilege for young ladies to serve others.  Young men are now allowed to become honorary members; however, they have no voting privileges and may not hold an office position.


The purpose of this department is to unite women, age 22–40, of The AME Zion Church for mission service in the church and community. The prime objectives will include social concerns such as child abuse, teenage pregnancies, drug dependency, world hunger etc.

Sunday School

The Sunday School Department is the strategic teaching component of the church that engages spiritual gifts of the layperson as the primary instructors. This department provides systematic instruction that will involve the whole family in the study of God’s Word. The instructors will come together weekly to prepare and organize for Sunday’s sessions.


Women’s Home & Overseas Missionary Society is made up of women of all ages separated into departments for specific work. The Missionary Ministry is all about our mission. Missionaries participate in service projects throughout the year, as well as denominationally, that share the love of Jesus Christ with those who are less fortunate or have never heard of Jesus Christ.

Christian Education

The Board of Christian Education is made of all the departments and ministries that fall under the banner of Christian Education. The CED uses resources and collaborates with other ministries to ensure the success for the edification of the church.

Usher Boards

Usher Ministry: Serves as doorkeepers in the house of God. Ushers help to direct persons to available seats during worship and maintain order and decorum in the worship service. They are also responsible for the initial greeting of love for those entering in for worship.

Lay Council

Lay Council is responsible for promoting and deepening the spiritual life of the laity. The Lay Council disseminates information concerning connectional (denominational) lay activities, meetings, conferences and conventions. The Lay Council works to expands and promote the mission of the church. Every member who is not ordained is considered laity and encouraged to become a part of the Lay Council.

Pastor’s Aide Society (Stewardess)

Pastors Aide Society (Stewardess) is all about pastoral support. This group responds to some of the temporal concerns of the pastor as it relates to ministry. They maintain the vestments of the pastor and makes sure that the pastor has what he needs to minister to the members of the church.

Sick & Shut in Ministry

Sick & Shut in Notices: The purpose of the sick notice is so that we can ensure that all members are visited in their time of illness. To place someone on our list, please call or email the church office. This will allow us to notify the staff ministers so that one or more of the following below can be arranged. If the church isn’t properly notified, then the Pastor and visitation ministers most likely aren’t aware.

Health and Wellness Ministry

The Health and Wellness Ministry works to promote health and healing as part of the mission and ministry of a congregation to its members (adults, youth, and children) and the community it serves. They offer free health screenings at least once a month before and after worship.